Friday 13 August 2010

5. Röyksopp - Melody A.M.

I was in the mood for something quiet tonight. Nothing that would require any effort to take in, just something I could lie on the sofa and relax to. Melody A.M. turned out to be just that and, luckily, it's also bloody good.

It's a lot less bouncy-synth-pop-ish than Junior, their most recent album, which has the brilliant Happy Up Here, the song which got me into Röyksopp. In fact, it's so relaxing for the most part that it would probably have put me to sleep if it weren't so compelling.

The more ambient style means that few of the tracks stand out on there own, but listening to the album in full is a rather rewarding and beautiful experience. The tracks compliment each other nicely when played together, and whether it's the blippy, almost dreamy synth rhythm of Eple, the ominous and exhilarating climax of R
öyksopp's Night Out, or the album's ghostly conclusion 40 Years Back Come, there's plenty of variation.

4/5 - Can't really find a lot of fault with this. Not groundbreaking, but still a greatly diverse and compelling listen.

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